Sunday, May 27, 2012

Whitney's 17th BDay party
Robin and Bu

Whit's BDay

Hallway greeting us for Baby Shower - all
cute books and dolls

Erin just orchestrated a baby shower for Baby G or Teddy as the parents to be call him.  It was at Bu's and totally delightful!  Lots of dolls and books greeting us as we came in.  The kitchen/family room was filled with books and their appropriate stuffed animals.  We all had to pick a new name (how Coleen is that?!).  Played some fun games, offered up names for Baby G and opened lots of books for Baby G and his parents.  Here are some pix.... Marcelle

Arthur greeting us at the shower.  There were lots more in the front hallway with him.
More decorations with a book theme.
Note the hoosier cupboard in the kitchen!
Katy M's bathtub punch!  It was yummy - really!

The Mom-To-Be

Who doesn't love "Chicken Soup with Rice"?

Coleen and Bu

Kristine's Mother's Day 2012

I knew that Kacy was driving up to Anacortes from Provo for her friend's wedding (Maren Hanson), and bringing Micah Ingalls with her.  What I didn't know was that Coleen and Erin were also coming!  It was a wonderful Mother's Day "su-prise" and weekend.  After the wedding and reception on Friday, we had a perfect Anacortes Saturday.  Working in the yard (planting my mother's day flowers, which they do every year), sailing on Lake Campbell, kayaking in Burrow's Bay, and roasting hot dogs and s'mores at the Cabana beach!  It was a delight to have them all here!  Erin flew home Sunday evening and Kacy, Micah and Coleen drove back on Monday.  

Murrays Do D.C. 2012

The last week of March, 2012,  the Murrays (Bryan, Kristine, Gavin and Madeline) took a trip to Washington D.C.  We saw all the monuments, some of the museums and lots of death (cemeteries, or memorials to the dead--Holocaust Museum, Pentagon Memorial, Arlington, Gettysburg, Vietnam Memorial, etc.) 

We stayed in a nice little apartment in Pentagon City and rode the metro into the city most days.  On the weekend we rented a car to drive up to Gettysburg.  We also went to the temple to take memorable pictures - "This is where we got married and it all started."

One great place (we went twice) was the Old Post Office Building.  It had an atrium inside with tables set up for the food court and an excess of souvenir shops.  There was a bell tower we could go up and get a nice view of the city.  Perfect place for lunch and a rest!  This is also where we found the Segway Tour for the boys, which Gavin thought was pretty cool.  His other favorite was the Air and Space Smithsonium Museum.

I'm not sure the kids really liked the trip, but I think as the years pass they will look back and say, "oh, yeah, I remember that."