Texas Heart Institute celebrated its 50th anniversary this week. That's where Neal works, for those who may not keep track of such details. We didn't think we'd be going since the cheapest tickets were $600 per person. But at the last minute a drug rep bought a table and gave a few tickets to the fellows. I had several Fairy Godmothers in my ward that supplied the dress, the tux, and even an updo. And of course, the earings were from Robin. What a great night. Here are the pictures.
Not a great shot of us, but a really good one of my hair.
The room was sooooo beautiful.
Oops, that's not Neal, it's just the gentleman at the next table. Just Lyle Lovett. I'd never heard his music before last night, but after hearing him perform, I'm a fan!
I was quite proud of Neal to be part of all this. Hooray for heart surgery!
One last look at my 'do before going to bed. My friend was so great to come do it for me.